Wednesday 24 February 2016

Follow My Blog With Bloglovin!

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I want to finish this post by saying a huge thank you. Thank you to my family and friends, and to all those who have supported and believed in me through my toughest times.

Thank you to those who have stuck by me on my path of recovery and working towards getting myself to a better, happier, healthier place.

Thank you to all of you who take the time to read my blog; those who have read right from my first post, and those that have started with this one. I couldn't be more grateful.

Finally a massive thank you to my incredible Mum, who has been there to put a smile on my face when no one else could, to give me endless hugs and to tell me that things will get better. Mum, if you're reading - you're my rock and I will never be able to express how much I appreciate the love and support you give me.

Now looking back to this time last year, or even to a few months ago, I feel such a wonderful, positive change in myself, and I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for the love and support I get from those around me. I've still got some way to go, but I just know that if I keep on my positive path, I can only go up from here; and as long as I take small steps each day I will get there.

Sending you all my love, and remember...


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