Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Market Day!

So for my next blog post I thought I'd share a few photos I took whilst at a couple of the Markets I've been to.

Markets are quite a popular thing here; I've really loved going to them time and time again. There's so many unique and quirky things to see at the flea markets; then at the farmers markets there's a lot of incredible fruit,vegetables, fresh bread etc.

Everybody at the markets are all very cheery and happy and there tends to be lots of entertainment such as music, dancing and more, so you are sure to have a wonderful time!

My favourite market to go to here in Santa Monica is the Sunday market held on Main Street - its a place the community gather; families join together for a lovely morning, to enjoy each others company, as well as the food and entertainment - theres often a band playing which is great to listen to!

The other markets I have been to are the Wednesday and Saturday farmers market held on 3rd Street in Santa Monica, the Farmers market at the Grove, LA; and the Flea market on Melrose Avenue, LA.

There are many more around L.A which I hope to go to whilst out here, and I'll be sure to post about them when I do!

I will now share the photos I have taken so you can get a glimpse of what its like :)

I hope you enjoy!

The Farmers Market on 3rd Street

A few from the Sunday Market

The Flea Market on Melrose Avenue, LA

1 comment:

  1. One of my fave things to do in LA is to try out all the different fruit and veg on offer at the markets. Most of the stall holders give out free samples and it's great to be able to work out the different flavours in plums, nectarines, peaches etc. I loved the mini oranges...a burst of orangey goodness! Xx
