Sunday, 2 August 2015

The Getty Villa and Centre

Over the last couple of weeks my Mum and I have taken a few trips outside of Santa Monica, two places being the Getty Villa and the Getty Centre. 

The Getty Villa was breathtaking; from entrance to exit I was stunned by the beauty around me. The Villa is dedicated as a museum with studies of arts and cultures of ancient Greece, Rome and Etruia, giving it a very Mediterranean vibe. The peace and tranquility flowed throughout and it really started to feel like I was in an Ancient Greek Palace or something!

The Getty Centre was just as incredible, but with a more contemporary style which I just loved. The modern structures, clean lines, well thought out architecture and design made it feel very heavenly; similarly to the Villa but more of a recent time. The Centre is filled with contemporary art works and outdoor sculptures. The gardens were wonderful and calming and the views mind blowing.

I took the opportunity with both my visits to take lots of photos and I will now share with you some of my favourite; I hope these will help you see how truly fantastic both the Getty Villa and Centre are.


The Getty Villa

The Getty Centre

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